
Grape extracts

The products in this line contain active substances such as Resveratrol® derivatives, micronized grape peel from Bordeaux grapes, grapeseed oil. These ingredients are rich in flavonoids, vitamins C and E, and play a role in reducing wrinkles, improving skin luminosity, local slimming, activating circulation, strengthening capillaries and preventing skin aging.

The Grape Elixir line combines two concepts in the idea of giving yourself more time for personal care:

  • Treating the skin with three innovative derivates from Resveratrol®: Resveratrox, Viniferol and Vitisin.
  • Relaxing the body by attaining a balance between the physical and psychological.

This line comprises of three gel-creams with a non-fat texture that fight against wrinkles, improve skin luminosity, help in local slimming, and a shower gel with a fantastic refreshing effect.

The Micronized Grape Seed line contains a face cream and a body cream that help strengthen capillaries, improve skin elasticity and prevent skin aging.


100% made
in Romania.

No animal

Safe ingredients
of natural origin.

No parabens
or paraffins.

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